Statement of Real Estate Rentals (T776 and TP-128-V)

If you had rental income in 2022 from renting out a property that you own or co-own (a house, an apartment, rooms, space in an office building, or other property), you’ll need to use the T776 form to report your gross rental income, expenses, and any capital cost allowance for the year.

Note: If you’re a resident of Québec, you’ll also need to complete the TP-128-V: Income and expenses respecting the rental of immovable property form. The T776 and the TP-128-V forms are combined in H&R Block's tax software, so you can complete both at the same time.

The rental income you receive can be in the form of cash or cheque, services, or kind (goods instead of cash) and might include more than the rent you receive each month. Your rental income can also include the following:

  • Premiums and leases which are amounts for:
    • Granting or extending a lease or sublease
    • Permitting a sublease or
    • Cancelling a lease or sublease
  • Sharecropping (which is income from renting farmland for cash or as a share of the crop)

Tax tip: If you had rental income from sharecropping, report any cash received as gross rent and the fair market value of your crop share as other related income on the T776/TP-128-V page in H&R Block’s tax software.